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A Day, Not Like Any Other...You Only Marry Once.

It is your BIG DAY! Not the only significant day you will have in your life, but of course in fact there probably have already been a few. Your Debut perhaps? Regardless, your wedding day likely is one of the standouts. It's a unique day, unlike any other...which isn't to say will be the most "happy day of your life." It won't likely to be the "perfect" day, at least not in the sense that absolutely nothing goes a miss. It may have one minor flaw, it may have several moments you prefer to forget, But it will always have many beautiful moments you know you will never forget.

Based on the weddings I have assisted, planned and coordinated, it's clear that letting go of the "happiest day" or the "perfect day" bill of goods is key to unlocking the door of sheer enjoyment you may take in your wedding. As I take a word from the brides - I will require humor, compromise, delegation and possibly mind over matter ( I will enjoy myself, and I will), but your wedding can be one glorious day containing all its mishaps and marvels with something that approaches sheer poetry. and if you feel slightly freakish for having even to grapple with your own tense little bridal self to allow that to happen, perhaps recall that there is a reason to be feeling this intensity. It's not merely angst over the guests from arriving late, your fiancé's cufflinks taking a permanent walk, or cakes tumbling all over the floor. Because unless you are marrying purely for convenience or immigration, there is also that little matter of the commitment you are making. No wonder the day feels profound. It is! But its profundity is a symbol, and al like symbols, what it stands for is ultimately far more important than the symbol itself. it's just a sign post on life's road map, merely pointing the way to the journey ahead.

So here's to your marriage! A toast to the Bride and Groom.

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